A typical day
0615 Wake up. Make coffee and have a biscuit and banana breakfast while listening to MP3 Player. Take multivitamin tablet. Get washed and dressed etc. Boil water ready for drinking.
0730 Mains water comes on, refill bottles, replace wash bowl and jug water etc
0745 Walk to work
0800 In office working!
0845 Go and buy a semosa-type thing, a plain doughnut and bread roll for lunch from the on-site café.
1000 Possibly visit the pit latrines (which are now locked because “workmen” have been using them incorrectly – how you use a hole incorrectly I’m not sure although there were a few piles of something on the floor and not in the hole!!! Now, with the toilets locked, the piles just appear outside on the grass!!)
1200 Walk home for lunch, possibly watch a bit of DVD (I’m watching “Coast” at the moment – I bought three series on DVD as I knew I would miss the sea) – Read – I’m reading DUNE at the moment. Maybe a sleep. Put boiled water into filter to drip through ready for evening – fresh drinking water. (Sometimes I go for lunch with colleagues in town)
1400 Back at work for the afternoon.
1730 or 1800 (depending on the day.) Go out for a meal occasionally, or home. The sun sets at 1808 at the moment, the earliest time the sun sets in the whole year.
1810 Cook food and eat while watching DVD. Clean up before the water goes off. Take Doxycycline (anti-malarial) tablet and make sure I don’t bend over for 30mins otherwise it can make ulcers in your oesophagus!
2000 Have a bowl “shower”. I have pretty much mastered having a hair-wash and full body wash in a bowl about 50cm across. Hair is just dipping your head in, then washing everything else involves crouching in the bowl and putting water on using a flannel and letting it flow down without too much dripping on the floor.
2100 Ready for bed, read and sleep usually around 2130-2200. (After carefully tucking mozzy net around bed.)
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