Friday, 2 May 2008

Holidays, family returns and september volunteer

It’s a funny time at the moment. Although officially Easter only had Good Friday as a public holiday, many instructors seem to have been off since and are only just coming back. I also discovered yesterday that today (Thursday) is another public holiday (International Labour Day) and there is another one (Patriots’ Day) on Monday, so lots of holiday all round. When in Rome

I had a bit of a dose Monday and Tuesday mornings after eating in all the different places on Sunday – it’s impossible to say which particular meal or glass or snack caused it. I obviously had something in my system as I was completely wiped out Monday and Tuesday afternoons and basically slept.

This afternoon the family who all live in this house returned from the instructor’s secondment to Addis. They had a big clean including removing the birds nests on the walls outside my room. The baby is nearly one year old now and stood unaided for a fraction of a second. I gave them a list of hygiene rules (e.g. use the buckets of water I’ve put in the toilet after going when the water is off) that kind of thing. They seemed to accept that ok. I’ll see how it goes.

Finally, there could be another volunteer coming here in September. He is Swedish and will be working with the ICT systems, sorting them out and training etc. It will be interesting to have someone to share with when I get back, someone to show around – hopefully he will like walking. Maybe he can set up a satellite internet connection in the house!!!

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