Monday, 26 January 2009

The continuing story of CPD and walks and counterparts

I managed to introduce the CPD course to two more schools of teachers last week, which means I’ve now covered 6 of the 10 schools. It’s the “end of semester” break here this week, so the last four schools are on hold. We will also need to check that the schools it has been introduced to have actually started the course.

I suddenly found out on Friday that all the teachers from the zone will be coming to the college in a couple of weeks and I can do a presentation on active learning to them (all 500 of them!!! – should be fun.)

I also found out that due to mainly bureaucratic reasons, the local government office absolutely will not release the teacher who was going to be my counterpart – so with 5 months to go, I still haven’t got a counterpart.


I went on my favourite 18km walk on Saturday (3 litres of water, 6 hour trip) to the place where two rivers join, there are some fascinating rocks and a beautiful valley leading up to a 10m high waterfall.

Last Sunday I went on the same walk I took when I’d just got back here in September, when the rainy season was still going. I matched some photos I took then to compare vegetation, river level etc. Hopefully two of the shots are included in this entry. I took all the photos and made them into a video slideshow to music – matching the beat and pace of the music.

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