Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Inoculations part 3

Having arranged a rabies inoculation yesterday (the prescription hadn't got to the chemists in time) I had my first of three rabies inoculations today. It was pink. I've been very tired over the last couple of days and wonder if it is a side effect of the jabs. They do say some have "flu-like" symptoms.

I also picked up my first 100 anti-malarials. I've gone for dioxycycline, the anti-biotic one (which only has diarrhoea, sensitivity to the sun (great in an equatorial region) and having to have it standing or sitting up otherwise you get ulcers in your mouth and oesophagus - as side effects) rather than mefloquine which has a range of psychotic side effects.

I was going to have a Yellow Fever jab today, but that was cancelled this morning. That's two problems in two days! Anyway, I'm on for rabies 2, Yellow Fever and Meningitis next Tuesday. After that, I'll only have a Hep B (number 3) and Rabies (number 3) to go.

All these jabs are going to cost VSO over £200, so if anyone feels like an on-line donation (see right)...

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