Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Explotation of the developing world


I’ve been reading an article in the latest edition of “National Geographic” on Gold and how the environment is being ruined to extract it. In some places it needs 250 tons of rock to be removed to obtain 1 ounce of gold (yes that’s tons – the gold is only there in tiny traces.) The waste is dumped, covering massive areas of rain forest. The mines themselves are vast holes in the ground and there is also a problem with the chemical waste used in the extraction of the gold from the rocks.


I have also just watched “Blood Diamond” about the “conflict diamonds” in Africa – diamonds that are fought over and sold to pay for weapons. It’s a dramatisation but based on some real events.

In both these instances governments and rebel groups fight over the money that can be obtained from these items (often used to pay for weapons), people work in dangerous conditions and are very poorly paid or are forced to work in mines or search for these items.


To complete the trio, last week I watched a film called “Crude Impact” about the horrors of oil. It seems that so-called developed world (in particular the U.S.A.) will stop at nothing to keep the oil flowing. In recent times they invaded Iraq under the “weapon’s of mass destruction” - guise, but many believe the real goal was to secure the oil supply.

There is evidence of the U.S. interfering with other governments (supporting current government’s suppression of the people – see Saudi Arabia) or funding and providing weapons to rebel groups to aid in over-throwing governments that don’t want to play.

Also, “developed world” oil companies seem to have less concern for the environment, waste and health and safety in the developing world when they are extracting oil from there rather than their home countries, for some reason…


Maybe it’s a good job Ethiopia doesn’t have any natural resources. I guess poor and peaceful is better than rich with others exploiting you and fighting over you.

(If Jorhan (probably spelt in some weird Swedish way) is reading this, I wonder if he knows who’s been talking to me!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe.. I know for sure who you talked to. The worst thing is I think is that Goran is underestimating it all...

He even made my wife like to move to the north of we can survive in the future...

take care mate!