Anyway, it was a little dicey when the power went out for a few minutes before I set off out of the house, and a couple more times while I was setting up in the auditorium. I also had a few problems with screen settings on the computer etc (primary / secondary display) There were know problems with the projector not showing red + the microphone could not be moved or it crackled, but I ended up standing for the presentation - but still - so not very dynamic!

The teachers started coming in – I had some music videos playing (including “Listen to the Voices” sung by my old school choir from a few years back) and then the power went again. We had a guy on standby for the generator, but luckily the power came back and stayed on the whole hour of my talk.
The talk pretty much went without a hitch. All the photos appeared when they should, all the video clips played etc. I used number fans (300-400) with all the teachers – the biggest simultaneous use of number fans I (and probably anyone) has ever done (you can’t say these trainees weren’t active)! I made some jokes about teachers giving wrong answers to simple questions and they laughed (cross-culture, second language humour is always difficult so a couple of laughs was pretty good). I also slowed myself right down and pretty… much… separated… every… word… I… spoke… so at least some of them would understand.
Afterwards two Vice Deans (including my line manager) told me it was very good and they were impressed and the teachers were all clamouring for my guide (one of the same Vice Deans had only let my produce enough for one per school!!!!)
So, all-in-all a pretty successful day, “Sharing Skills” with so many in one go can’t be bad. And my potential – maybe – next year counterpart was there and I said “You’ll be doing this next year.”
Now I have another 200-odd teachers on Monday for the same again!!!!
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