Monday, 1 June 2009

CPD Update

I’m still blowing my nose a bit and coughing, but it seems to be tailing off at last.

There was heavy rain last night, but only after a gap of about a week. This time last year it was pretty much raining every day and was green everywhere. People are saying the rain is very late this year. The temperature is also back up. I think as I went to bed last night it was still near 30°C outside.

Today I went on a trip into Powe woreda (area) and visited five schools to check the progress of the CPD programme. We have two nearby schools who have completed, but I didn’t hold up much hope for the others, and I was pretty much correct. All five had completed less than 5 sessions (out of 15 in four months) and gave various excuses like “we were preparing for bazaar (fayre)” which maybe took one week, or we did not understand (they visit the college and could’ve asked and probably haven’t read the material as it is all explained in there.) Anyway, the college Dean is all for them doing the CPD program so will assign someone to find out what is going on and will push the schools to continue (or re-start) next year.

On the plus side, it means I don’t have to make as many certificates!!!!

I got the children I am teaching sign language to play a game today and it was really good to see them all laughing and playing together, whether they could hear or not.

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