It’s getting on for the last recorder lessons now. Because the school was being used for exams, I had all the players at the college. Judging by the reaction when they looked out the window, I think it was the first time some of them had been upstairs. Also, as a treat at the end, I gave them all a fizzy drink, and again, I don’t think it’s often (if ever) they get one of them. They seemed quite overwhelmed with it all. As you will see from the picture, some of them haven’t even got shoes.
I think working with the children: the maths class; whole class teaching and the recorder groups, is going to be what I will miss the most.
Electricity and Water
Following up my previous entry, just to check you were not thinking, electricity 80% of the time, what are you complaining about, you have to remember that that was an average. I repeated the same exercise for the last 20 days, and the average power cut per day then is almost 12 hours out of 24, or 50%.
Over those 20 days, the longest cut was 55 hours. Also, a fairly common pattern is off around 05:00 and back on at around 23:00. If I stayed here longer, I would definitely invest in a generator. The houses across the street and my neighbours are even worse off, they are on a different phase to my house and they haven’t had power all week.
Also, the water has been off a couple of days, and the generator at the college is broken, so today, what with no mains power as well, the place was pretty deserted. It’s a good excuse not to do anything when the computers are down. The secretaries just sit doing nothing all day in the offices. There are manual typewriters but I guess now the “rich” countries have spread their evil PCs to Ethiopia, there’s no going back to the old ways, after all, you can’t listen to music and play patience on a typewriter.
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