On Friday, I visited both of their schools to tell their classes about my trip to Ethiopia or Éthiopie (Ay-tay-oh-pee as they say in France.) The children had some interesting questions after I had told them about all the problems that affect education in the country, and the limited living style I would have. My favourite was "then why are you going?" In my limited French, all I could manage was: "parce qu'ils sont très pauvres" (because they are very poor). The teacher explained in more detail about how I was doing a good thing helping others less fortunate than ourselves (at least that's what I think he was saying!)

On Sunday, I was guided around Rouen where there are some great old buildings and cathedrals. Finally on Monday I made my way back to Calais for the ferry via Berck-sur-Mer (a walk along a huge sandy beach, a crêpe and waffle lunch) and Montrieul-sur-Mer, a walled city I have been to before (including with my class in March.)
It's taking a while for me to stop thinking some words in French now. It was good practise comunicating in a different language with hand-signs etc, ready for Ethiopia. Also, it was very interesting explaining some aspects of my language. You really notice things you normally take for granted, for example: have you noticed the expression you put in "what's your name?" - the "name" is lower at the end. Then what happens when you ask the next person? You drop on "your" - weird huh!
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