Friday, 11 April 2008

More Power!

Apparently, the reason the power is off a lot at the moment is that the electricity in Ethiopia is hydro generated and with the dry, hot season the water is low. They can’t run the generators at full power or all the water would be used up so what they do is reduce the flow, meaning less power. They can’t supply everyone in the country at the same time so they selectively switch people off on a sort of time-share thing. I think remote places get less of a share. I’m finding it hard – lack of electricity is my weakness. It is a pain cooking with candles – although I have now given it “more power” by melting wax in a tin and once melted and boiling the whole tin becomes a fire and gives out a lot of heat (and smoke.) Also, my primary entertainment is computer – DVDs etc and the batteries don’t last that long with DVDs playing.

It remained overcast all day today. The temperature was in the mid 20’s and the air was more moist (around 50% humidity) so a good relief after the recent heat. I had lots of flashbacks to home. Apparently though, this is just a few days thing and it will be hot and dry again very soon until the tropical rain comes in a couple of months.

Thursday 10th April

The final in the series of training went well. Lots of displays made by the students helping and the teachers at the school. It poured with rain after, then I was teaching English to admin staff till late, the last part being by torch light as the power was out again. On the way home I noticed a big puddle and realised that that is something else I haven’t seen for many months. Weird the things you notice. Anyway, the power is on this evening in the house and I can cook with my electric hob and recharge things. Not sure how long it will be on though.

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