I’ve just been hanging around - sorting out forms, doing some shopping at the moment. Today is New Year’s Day in Ethiopia. It’s 2001 (“Open the pod bay doors please HAL".) Yesterday afternoon I was absolutely exhausted – tired and a bit headachy. I basically slept and didn’t go to the New Year Party, although everyone had forgotten that the Ethiopian Day starts at 06:00 our time so staying awake until midnight wasn’t actually correct! Still, this morning the hotel had a coffee ceremony in the foyer and we got bread, popcorn and a glass of Tella (the homebrew.)I am flying up to Bahir Dar on Saturday, and will return to Gilgel next week.
weather here in Addis is pretty like the UK at the moment, around 20C and intermittent showers.
I’ve just finished “Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox” by Eoin Colfer and am currently reading “Superior Saturday” by Garth Nix. If there is anyone from PT reading this, you will remember I did the first in the series of these books with some reading groups about five years ago (“Artemis Fowl” and “Mister Monday”) I’m still reading the series.
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