Friday, 1 May 2009

Latest Update from Gilgel

On Monday, I started session with boy with hearing impairment and his friends, teaching them the signs for numbers and A to E. The teacher was present and will continue to practise with them until next week.

Recorders and Maths lessons are continuing. We plan to do a recorder “concert” to the class next week.

Wednesday we did our last “active teaching” workshop to the “civics” second year students at the college. This means all 200 students have now received the training. (In every session at least one or two drew a 9cm line when asked to draw a 10cm one (they started at 1cm on the ruler instead of 0cm – this is down to them going right through the education system without using a ruler.))

It seems like the rainy season has started. We’ve had a couple of overcast days with some rain. This was preceded by some really hot days (when it was still 32°C when you go to bed in the evening.)

The electricity and water seem much more stable at the moment which is good (1 day off every four.)

I had another scorpion in my room last night – not as bad as someone in the village who recently woke in the night with one on his stomach – I’m glad I have a net tucked in over my bed.

Went to a wedding reception on Sunday and ate… Injera and spicey wat!!

It’s only about two months until I return to the UK. I have a leavers’ workshop in Addis Ababa in a few weeks – I will go via Bahir Dar and flying down.

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